Map Ranking

Green Acres

Tribe name:Green Acres
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players17.984
Total points:17.984
Average points:899
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
bererunner 1 1,608 15 1
Essence 2 1,597 16 1
Squirtle The Turtle (Yet to evolve) 3 1,469 20 1
ColdFusion (Scared Of Being Rimmed) 4 1,355 26 1
Thor. (Big Hammer-PM for pic) 5 1,002 69 1
justwayne 6 979 79 1
Ivan Drago 7 936 94 1
GrumpyDaddy 8 900 103 1
Sniping With Axes 9 850 124 1
Lord Varys 10 836 130 1
Chantyyy (World Wrecker) 11 835 131 1
Sleeman 12 815 141 1
sharagon 13 727 220 1
Governor. (Egg on) 14 696 238 1
Rum N Coke 15 675 271 1
mangina 16 658 287 1
keviboy23 17 646 321 1
Dilemma (Hawk Tuah Specialist) 18 496 494 1
Golden Mountain 19 457 555 1
Kingrudi51 20 447 568 1
Wanna get plowed?

We are super serious playing so get ready to get plowed!

Any and all enquiries please contact Governor..

Recruitment - open
Diplomacy - open
Down for a chat - open