Map Ranking


Tribe name:Navigators
Number of members:3
Points of the best 20 players31.612
Total points:31.612
Average points:10.537
Opponents defeated: 224.808 (40.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Unseeable 1 16,636 185 3
Dragon Lord 2 9,740 239 2
Chigurh 3 5,236 332 1

Attack General
Defense General
Forum Moderator

General Rules:

#1. Every member has to be active, inactivity for a period of time superior to 72h should be informed to a member of the tribe's Leadership beforehand otherwise the player can be banished if the case is repetitive. To avoid such measures you can use the tab on the forum named Account sitting to leave a permanent sitter when you are unable to be present.

#2. Every post in the forum (except the Tavern) should be read and, when necessary, answered. The participation of all in the forum tab named Activity is mandatory. A player's absence will be reprimanded and, if repetitive, a case for expulsion

#3. Every support request must be posted in the forum in a specific support tab named Offense and Defense General Forum with bb-codes (attacking village coordinates, name of the attacker, name of the defender and coordinates of the defender's village), a template will be placed in the specific Forum tab in case you do not know how to correctly ask for one. You can also warn a Leader about preventive support on a specific village that could come under future attack.

#4. A sitter must be a member of the tribe or the tribe's "family". If any player has a sitter outside the tribe with no plausible motive and previously made aware to the Leadership that player will be banished and his village conquered

#5.Every claim must be respected. No one can send nobleman to a already claimed village unless agreed upon previously (if he is an ally or a member of the tribe itself). Ignoring claims will result in the devolution of the village in question + an extra village. If the same player is involved in multiple of these cases he will be banished.

#6. The forum must be used correctly. The creation of topics outside the area where they should be created will be moved/deleted depending on their relevance degree.

#7. Disrespect towards tribe members will not be tolerated.
Every time problems emerge, no matter what they are, they should be discussed and taken care of in a civilized way.
In the event said problem is not amicably resolved, you should resource to the tribe's Leadership. Highlighting that in our Tribe we value camaraderie and conviviality in order to achieve union as a Tribe and after the victory of the world.

#8. It is forbidden to bunk barbarian villages near ally villages. It is only allowed to bunk said barbarian villages located in the middle of the enemy. Disrespecting this rule may result in the ban of the player

#9. Players must share their commands with the tribe's Leadership. Reasons being to verify the compliance of the players regarding support attacks/fakes/ fulls etc

#10. The tribe’s inactive players will be exclusively distributed through the tribe's Leadership.
Any sort of account buying or any act of similar nature will be ignored and the villages will be equally assigned troughout the tribe in a fair way, taking into account point restriction

Failure to follow the rules above will reflect an individualistic rather than collectivist style of play. This must be avoided!


flag-ptTUGA DOMINANCEflag-pt

_ 8@8 _

firesmiling_impWin or Die Tryingsmiling_impfire

firefireAn Undivided Nation pillaging every surrounding land with its only intent being world dominationfirefire

crossed_swordscrossed_swordsWE BACK DOWN FROM NO ONE
OUR DESTINY, VICTORYcrossed_swordscrossed_swords

Recruitment: ON
Diplomacy: L3A0,H4Z3