Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
151 PWSmith SMEG 18.964 13 1459
152 machete J-Day 18.855 4 4714
153 johnhanson AVG! 18.074 7 2582
154 Divid FAITH 17.743 6 2957
155 Baige Fgrit 17.612 6 2935
156 baardi JAW2 16.869 4 4217
157 gagabill REAPER 16.531 4 4133
158 Moley BUM 16.401 2 8201
159 carl99 BCC 16.120 4 4030
160 DangerousBeenz Hawk T 15.658 7 2237
161 f571378 Who? 15.077 2 7539
162 DrofVanda tra 14.973 6 2496
163 acoboro Shrub 13.968 7 1995
164 BobbyBox8 SMEG 12.886 5 2577
165 nightwind R.E.B. 12.639 4 3160
166 Ro88ie tra 12.595 3 4198
167 neilhorner -GUL- 12.302 3 4101
168 HUEY tra 12.247 4 3062
169 pipfugl HB 11.768 3 3923
170 Gronk tra 11.417 3 3806
171 malis adi J-Day 11.204 7 1601
172 The Young Wolf CTS 11.172 2 5586
173 Wojcio1910 FAITH 11.124 5 2225
174 Erik The Redd Chiefs 11.062 5 2212
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