Map Ranking

Protect The Hive

Tribe name:Protect The Hive
Number of members:13
Points of the best 20 players21.069
Total points:21.069
Average points:1.621
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
SeasideAgro 1 4,530 17 1
Doppelganger 2 3,241 38 1
NO1UNO 3 2,854 43 1
Essence 4 2,421 58 1
Squirtle The Turtle 5 2,289 61 1
Ragewood 6 1,584 121 1
KillaBenZ 7 1,486 161 1
Reptilian 8 704 525 1
Rhys.Snow 9 601 619 1
smithyd2 10 476 680 1
KushKing 11 358 769 1
SuperMario 12 278 844 1
Vindictive 13 247 874 1
HIVE was founded by Doppelganger.