Map Ranking

King zebedeespring

King zebedeespring
Tribe: HAVOC

Villages (1) Coordinates Points
King zebedeesprings village
486|497 524
Personal picture
Personal text
In the heart of the digital realm, where ones and zeros dance, Tribal Wars emerges, a medieval romance. A browser-based saga, villages rise and fall, Players vie for power, heed the battle’s call.

Lords and ladies, strategists bold, Forge alliances, secrets untold. Swords clash, catapults hurl, siege engines roar, In this pixelated world, where legends soar.

Woodcutters toil, miners delve deep, Fields yield crops, while watchtowers keep Vigilant eyes on the horizon’s edge, For enemies approach, their banners pledge.

Knights clad in armor, noble and fierce, Ride forth to conquer, their destiny clear. Maps unfurl, alliances fray, In the ever-shifting sands of Tribal Wars’ play.

Yet beyond the code, beyond the screen’s glow, Lies a reflection of humanity’s ebb and flow. Egos clash, alliances crumble, As players navigate this digital jungle.

So raise your virtual banners high, Forge alliances, let ambition fly. In the browser’s embrace, kingdoms rise, And the saga of Tribal Wars forever lies.

Victory achievements
Master of Speed

You won 1 Speed Round.