Map Ranking


Tribe name:DIABLO
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players16.725
Total points:16.725
Average points:880
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
crax2012 1 1,654 27 1
NO1UNO 2 1,365 49 1
RandomHavoc 3 1,305 58 1
flabberpants 4 1,184 73 1
Tribal Dwarfs 5 993 126 1
ANC15 6 901 166 1
Kamm33 7 920 178 1
jvarela 8 912 180 1
Col Woof 9 867 191 1
nuZeu 10 839 205 1
haddees001 11 835 221 1
little 12 791 262 1
T U R C E H A N 13 770 301 1
wpothers 14 585 471 1
pasa1 15 565 493 1
Smile 16 564 495 1
unknownsoldier99 17 562 499 1
Sinanaga 18 561 502 1
strenght 19 552 525 1
DIABLO was founded by crax2012. If you have questions please contact crax2012.

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