Map Ranking

Push and crush

Tribe name:Push and crush
Number of members:14
Points of the best 20 players7.419
Total points:7.419
Average points:530
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Warp Master 1 818 229 1
DeltaLemur 2 749 317 1
deathmark 3 732 338 1
RalphTheBarbarian 4 673 390 1
BobandDunk 5 609 451 1
Insomnia 6 588 478 1
mr.mb 7 587 488 1
victinho 8 473 590 1
Darkspangle 9 463 602 1
Torment 10 475 611 1
BurningBlade 11 361 689 1
Fr1scas 12 315 773 1
jamiemedley 13 291 781 1
Powerstackz 14 285 791 1
CRUSH was founded by Darkspangle. If you have questions please contact anyone

We are CRUSH, a tribe of players who are willing to do what it takes